Minggu, 15 September 2024

Visit Alas Purwo National Park, Class IC is having an Outing Class Learning

As part of the learning program at MTsN 10 Banyuwangi, the IC class students conducted an outing class to Alas Purwo National Park on Saturday, (September 14). This activity aims to provide a more comprehensive learning experience through direct exploration of coastal and savanna ecosystems.

Accompanied by their teachers, they visited Pancur Beach and Sadengan Savanna. The class coordinator of IC, Moh. Makmun, stated that students are expected to enhance their understanding of biodiversity in the Alas Purwo area. "In addition, this activity also serves as a means to foster awareness of the importance of preserving the environment," he said.

Furthermore, Moh. Makmun added that this activity is also expected to have a positive impact on students, both in academic and non-academic aspects. (muf)



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